Business Consulting
The Business Services arm of Minnie Endeavors is a product of an offshoot of Crystyn’s copy editing, news and magazine writing, public relations, bio writing, and business writing that sprouted from a background in journalism. After obtaining her MBA, she expanded to business coaching, entrepreneurship and school programming. Over the years clientele has multiplied and testimonials of businesses that have grown and thrived under Minnie Endeavors coaching has continue to accumulate.
Minnie Endeavors business services include one on one and group coaching sessions with clients on:
Strategic Development
Expanding a Business Idea
Incorporating a Business
Business Plan Creation
Goal Setting
Setting a Business Foundation
Staffing Partnerships & Internships
Organizational Behavior, Flow and Reporting Structure
Management Strategies
Pricing and Profitability
Business Branding
Referred Discounted Services
Web-Based Content Creation and Site Maintenance
Legal Services